Break free from the "work-save-travel-repeat" cycle and start traveling the world for a living

Hi, I’m Tinsley

Living by that mantra has allowed me to become a business owner at the age of 19, hire my first employee at the age of 20, become a digital nomad at the age of 21, and live in the city I’ve always dreamed of by the age of 22.

a content creator working with brands, a tourism marketing campaign manager, and an influencer coach that helps creators land travel brand partnerships. 

Making more money is a byproduct of saving more time.

But before I got started down this path, I learned a valuable lesson: waiting for the “right” moment is only a waste of time.

Throughout my college years, I worked at a nursing home. The residents shared their life stories as equally as their regrets. I repeatedly heard that they wished they didn’t spend so much time thinking about “how can I make more money?” and instead wish they asked, “how can I save more time?” 

It’s a perspective shift that I’ve carried with me. 

But here’s the part most people won’t tell you: 

I also dealt with perfectionism when I first became a business owner, battled with analysis paralysis with my first employee, had the worst case of comparisonitis when I became a digital nomad and suffered with self-sabotage living in the city I’ve always dreamed of.  

The secret to success isn’t about solely avoiding mistakes, it’s about learning from others who have accomplished what you’re striving for. Don’t get me wrong, making mistakes is a natural part of growth, but you can supercharge your progress by gaining insights from others.

My best advice is to pay attention, ask for help when you know you need it, and get a mentor to give you the roadmap so you don’t have to waste time figuring it out yourself.

Invest in yourself (because you are SO worth it) and move through life with the goal of saving as much time as you can.

What sets my coaching program apart is its singular focus on guiding influencers and bloggers to excel exclusively in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry. 

Unlike other coaches + course creators who cover various industries, my work dives deep into the intricacies of travel-related partnerships.

I'm committed to transparency and depth, so my coaching always goes beyond surface-level advice. 

It doesn't matter if you're a travel pro or just starting to explore. I’m here to unveil the opportunities you've been missing out on, and we'll craft a path where your love for travel meets the freedom of financial empowerment.

My favorite things

Mexico City

Favorite city I’ve lived in


Favorite exercise

Asian (more specifically, Japanese!) 

Favorite cuisine

traveling (ofc!), food, fitness, and all the things astrology 

Obsessed with

Puerto Rico

Favorite place I traveled to

Virgo sun, Pisces rising, Aries moon


It’s time to experience all-inclusive, luxurious travel without breaking the bank.

If I can do it, so can you. I’ve walked this path and know firsthand how powerful it can be to turn your passion for traveling into a thriving, fulfilling career. This work is deeply important to me, and it only grows deeper with every student of mine who has achieved their “pinch-me” goals. 

Let's journey together and discover the endless possibilities that await.

work with me